Sunday, November 30, 2014

I Am Thankful for Emma

I am thankful for my friendship with Emma Guthrie.  We have sort of the perfect friendship in my eyes.  We have deep connections and we are alike in character. We also spend a lot of time together getting to know each other than people who I talk to less frequently do. We met each other freshman year but if you ask anyone who knows the two of us you'd think we have known each other forever. We bond over common interest such as dance and traveling and we spend so much time together that you'd think we would hate each other by now. I discovered we had this perfect friendship in Ireland and Scotland when we roomed together. In fact we are both going to Spain together and we were already discussing being roommates again (aka I am the best roommate to have apparently). I know that wherever our lives lead us we will be friends forever because we have invested so much time together that giving up our friendship after high school would be devastating. Emma and I have the perfect friendship because whenever I am not in school or whenever Emma isn't in school, people will come up to us asking where they are. We are associated with each other thus we have the perfect friendship. Plus she isn't afraid to tell me how it really is and I mean I guess she's a pretty rad gal. 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Aristotle Friendships

        There are three types of friendships in this world according to Aristotle, utility, pleasantness, and the "perfect friendship".
         In utility friendship their is common ground between two people. For example, you see people become friends because they both share a love for World of Warcraft. They are only friends because they are going to gain something out of being friends which is having someone else who loves the game to play the game with you. They do not associate with one another unless it is for the sole reason to play the game. You see this friendship happen a lot on the XBOX through XBOX live. I know my brother talks to people and games with kids just for the sole reason that they both enjoy the game and that he is benefiting from it.
Utility Friendship where they benefit from only becoming friends for playing video games 
       In a pleasantness friendship the chief friendship is guided by your interest and your feelings. As you grow up your feelings change so some of these friendships won't exist any longer. For example, you often see people who were best friends in middle school are not friends in high school because they changed and they are both interested into two different things. It happened to myself where my best friend from middle school developed different interest and that was that. 
These Woman are friends because they both find yoga to be a pleasant experience 
       The third friendship described is the perfect friendship. In a perfect friendship both people are very similar in goodness and interest. They are very similar to each other. An example of this is my friendship with one of my best friends. We are very much alike and we share many interest. We reflect each other so much that our families wonder if we were separated at birth. We think the same thoughts and we do almost everything together. In Toy Story, Woody and Buzz have the perfect friendship because they bring out the best in each other and are very similar to one another and both have the same interest and goals. 

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Hogwarts House Assignment

Hufflepuff Crest 
           The sorting hat can be a scary and nerving experience because no one wants to be assigned a house that they don't want to be in. The house I belong to is Hufflepuff. 
            I belong to Hufflepuff for a variety of reasons. One of these reasons is because I think I am a kind and caring person. If there is someone in need of something or something that I know I can help with I do it. For example, when at a dance competition I will help the little girls that are on the same team with me with hair or costume dilemmas when I know there mother or whomever brought them is busy helping someone else.

         I'm a patient person (most of the time) and will wait however long for someone to do something. I also work hard at everything I do and won't stop until I have achieved my fullest potential or my intended goals. 
      Everyone has a fear of death but I am not afraid of it. With this said I do not welcome it in any sense but it is just something that I do not fear. I am loyal to myself as much as I can be. In conclusion, I am a Hufflepuff and quite proud of it.