"Metamorphoses of the spirit" the camel, lion, and the child are all stages that we develop and go through. What Nietzsche is trying to describe is the conscious' in humans that transforms from one to another. The camel is describing burdens and how when they get heavy a camel will kneel down(he also does this when commanded to do so) just like how humans would stop and give in to the burden that we bear and we follow to commands when given. This stage is the humans way of doing what they ought to do, not what they think they should do. The camel switches to the lion when it realizes it wants to be his own ruler and have freedom.The lion has the desire to create his own freedom and essentially will kill to get it. Lions cannot create their own values but their might is needed for their freedom. The lion learns to be responsible for himself because their is no one to guide him. A child is innocence, there is no guilt and everyday is a new day for discovery and learning. The child is forgetful and doesn't remember the burdens that he bears (like the camel does). The child is a creator of his own values and paves his own path (which the lion is striving to do. The child is a new beginning.
The Lion overcoming the Dragon |

Inspired me to get this tatto'd.