Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Real World meets Aristotle

           Aristotle once characterized people into four character traits: Virtuous, Continent, Incontinent, and Vicious. These character traits can be displayed in the real world by people, television shows. and movies.

           A Virtuous character I found in the real world was my friend Steph. As we were walking towards my car to go to Dunkin' Donuts on our hour break away from dance, we came across a wallet. Steph being the honest person she is didn't even look inside the wallet but went back inside the studio to give the wallet to the front desk. She did this without hesitation and clearly let adults in the situation handle it. She did a kind act because she wanted to and because she knew it was the right thing to do. Having adults handle the situation she knew that they would have some way of handling the wallet.

            A continent character I found in the world was actually this past week. I went to five below to get some wrap so I could wrap my ankle and I saw this little boy there. He was about ten years old. He picked up a small item (I believe it was a key chain but I am not certain) and he had this guilty look on his face. So obviously he was thinking about stealing this object . He didn't notice me but he looked back at his mother than at the key chain and he was about to put it in his pocket but last minute he put it back. He did the right thing by putting it back but he had to think about the right thing to do first.

           A incontinent character I came across was Newman from Seinfeld. I personally hate this show but it was on one day after school and I couldn't found my remote so me being the lazy person I am decided to watch it. In this episode he was dropped off at a farmer's house. Now this farmer has a beautiful daughter and he tried everything to try and get with her. This results in him getting kicked out of the house. He doesn't know right from wrong so his decisions always seem like the wrong choice.

         A vicious character is The Queen of Hearts from Alice and Wonderland. She doesn't feel bad when Alice gets lost or hurt and she definitely isn't Alice's number one fan. She sends her cards after her and she doesn't feel any remorse by doing this bad act. When Alice gets put down and then runs off the Queen is anything but happy because she thinks that Alice doesn't deserve happiness and the Queen thinks that if people aren't only looking at her and worshiping her they are worthless. She takes pride in doing the bad thing.

1 comment:

  1. I really like our examples for the character types, they really help explain the concept clearly.
