Sunday, November 9, 2014

Hogwarts House Assignment

Hufflepuff Crest 
           The sorting hat can be a scary and nerving experience because no one wants to be assigned a house that they don't want to be in. The house I belong to is Hufflepuff. 
            I belong to Hufflepuff for a variety of reasons. One of these reasons is because I think I am a kind and caring person. If there is someone in need of something or something that I know I can help with I do it. For example, when at a dance competition I will help the little girls that are on the same team with me with hair or costume dilemmas when I know there mother or whomever brought them is busy helping someone else.

         I'm a patient person (most of the time) and will wait however long for someone to do something. I also work hard at everything I do and won't stop until I have achieved my fullest potential or my intended goals. 
      Everyone has a fear of death but I am not afraid of it. With this said I do not welcome it in any sense but it is just something that I do not fear. I am loyal to myself as much as I can be. In conclusion, I am a Hufflepuff and quite proud of it.  


  1. I think the pictures are really great and it's hilarious how we used to dance together. I think your description of yourself fits Hufflepuff perfectly!

  2. I think you would definite be a Hufflepuff because you do fit the aspects perfectly and you're so sweet.

  3. You seem to fit into Hufflepuff perfectly. You fit all of the characteristics. Hufflepuff is the best house!

  4. I like your examples they really potray you as a hufflepuff

  5. Yes, you're in the right house. I can't think of anything else to say.

  6. I picked Hufflepuff too, and I found it interesting how you aren't afraid of death. I Haven't heard many people say that before.

  7. Amazing job! I am in Hufflepuff too! I love your pictures!

  8. the way you described your self I think Hufflepuff is right choice for you.
