Monday, December 15, 2014

Comedy Promoting Values?!?

Throughout our lives we find comedy in things that we observe. One big promoter of comedy is in television and the show that pops in my head first is The Family Guy. In this show they promote terrible things that we know are wrong and that we laugh at. An example of this that came almost instantly to mind is when Peter has a maid. The maid he has is a Spanish woman that barely speaks English. As a population we know that this is stereotyping and that it's wrong and completely not true but it's hilarious because it is a wrong ideal. They promote wrong ideas to show to the community that this isn't right and that we shouldn't think that all maids are like this. Comedy benefits to the society by making controversial topics seem all one sided and wrong when the people really know the reality of it all
Family Guy


  1. I think it's really insightful how you incorporated stereotypes into something society finds to be funny. We all know it's wrong but laugh at the sometimes offensive stereotypes in our daily life. I think family guy is a great example.

  2. This is a very good example because you talked about how controversial there topics are. good explanation.

  3. Your examples were really good! I always feel guilty for laughing over things that happen in Family Guy but it has taught me a thing or two so in the long run its beneficial.

  4. family guy example is so perfect because that show can have sooo much stupidity and morally wrong parts in it. But everyone laughs because of how ridiculous it all is. There are to many things peter does that we as people would never ever follow or do. For instance fighting with a big chicken or Trying to cover up murdering someone the lists goes on. Cool post though.

  5. I do agree with your example family guy is full of offensive humor that we laugh at. But we don't just laugh and forget it kind of affects us in a way that we might avoid acting as the characters do.

  6. Family Guy is a great example. That show is all about stereotypes and society laughing from it. It's wrong, but we all know the things on that television show is something we should never do!

  7. I love Family Guy and I believe its a really good example to use for the comedy promoting values. The things they do int the show are ridiculous, but they are things that we know to never do.
